Christ Church C. E. First School is committed to ensuring every child has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential. Parents are their child’s first teacher and we encourage the building of a lasting and positive partnership between home and school. We try hard to provide exciting and purposeful learning opportunities for our children and hope that they will relish the challenge and take full advantage of the activities planned for them.
We enjoy celebrating success, whether that be inside or outside of school and we hold a weekly celebration worship for this very purpose. On a regular basis, we invite parents, carers and family members in to school for "Family Worship" which is lead by the children and showcases the work they have done or the Christian Value we are learning. Everyone is welcome.
Should you have concerns about any aspect of school life, the class teacher is the first port of call. These members of staff see your children all day every day and know the children very well.
Should you require further support, the headteacher is more than happy to see parents - just pop in to the office to ask.
If you have concerns about your child that require more specialist support, please feel free to see the headteacher or contact Miss Bourne, the school's SENCO.